If you want your website to be found by people, you need to ensure it is being indexed by search engines. The more content on your site, the better. The more links pointing at a page, the higher that page ranks in search results. Google uses many factors when determining how a site should rank in SERPs; however, it does not use all of those factors for every query. As such, there are some best practices for optimizing your site for Google’s indexing system that will yield the best results every time:

As a business owner, you know that search engine optimization (SEO) is important. You want as many people as possible to find your website and be able to purchase from you. However, SEO also has a significant impact on your bottom line. It can increase sales by attracting more visitors from all over the world who are searching for products and services like yours.

Use a sitemap to organize your site’s content.

A sitemap is a file that lists all of the URLs of your pages on a website. It can be used to help Google find and index your content.

A sitemap is simply a list of links, which you can use as a reference when creating an XML sitemap. You don’t need to submit a new sitemap every time you make changes; just add or remove URLs from the appropriate existing files in your Sitemap Index directory.

To monitor your website’s performance in search engine results pages (SERPs), you will need to set up Search Console with Google.

In order to monitor your website’s performance in search engine results pages (SERPs), you will need to set up Search Console with Google. This is a free service offered by Google that allows you to monitor how well your site is ranking across various different SERPs and gives detailed information on what search terms are bringing users to the page and how many people are clicking on the link.

You can also use URLinspector to monitor indexing better and faster than using webmaster tools alone.

In Google’s eyes, links from other websites to your site are like votes of confidence. Links from websites that are relevant to yours tell Google that your site is important and worth ranking highly for certain topics.

If you have the option to add inbound links to an existing piece of content on your website, do it! This can be done by:

  • Adding links within the content itself (e.g., “Read more about [topic] here”)
  • Linking between pages on your own website (e.g., “For more information about [topic], check out our article on [page].”).

If you don’t have control over the content or don’t have time or resources available right now, don’t worry—the next step may help with this problem too!

The best way to get another site to link into yours is to make good, linkworthy content that they would want to link to. If you’re struggling to find sites that are relevant for your topic, use a search engine like Google or Bing and add the word “links” at the end of your query. The search results will show pages that have links out from them (like this one). Don’t use link-exchange programs — search engines don’t index everything on those sites anyway! Also be extra careful with paid links — search engines may give you a harsh penalty for using these.

To attract real user traffic, link out to other sites and invite other people to link into your content whenever possible.

Google crawls the web. It reads content, like a human would, and indexes it in its search results pages. To understand how this works, let’s take a look at the example below:

  • Google starts with A and B are linked together.
  • Google uses links to find new content. When you click on link A or B, you’ll be directed to another website © that has more information about your query (e.g., “how to index website”).
  • Google follows those links from A to B to C until it finds all relevant results for your query—in this case, “how” and “index.”

Google is able to index HTML files, PDFs, images, videos, and any other format that it can access.

Google is able to index HTML files, PDFs, images, videos, and any other format that it can access. It’s important to know that Google cannot index anything that they cannot access. So if you have a website or blog hosted on your own server, you need to make sure that the site has a publicly accessible URL.

If you’re creating content on a platform like Medium or WordPress then your content will be easily accessible by Google because these platforms are publicly available and indexed by search engines like Google. However if you’re just creating plaintext documents in Microsoft Word or typing text into an email then there’s no way for Google to find it unless someone links to those documents from their own website or posts them somewhere online where they can be found via search engines like Bing and Yahoo!


Now that you have a good idea of how to index your website with Google, it’s time to get started! In this article we have given you the basics of what needs to be done and some tips on how best to go about it. Now let’s start!